The Kindness Project Week 3

Hey Guys! Sorry I took such a long break from this series. I’m back and will be doing The Kindness Project weekly😄 

Weekly Kindness Challenge: 

Write an encouraging note (it can be short and only a sentence long if you want). It could even be a nice quote or Bible verse. Put it in a random book at a library, bookstore, or a book at school. This will hopefully encourage and bring a smile to a random persons face this week. As always, feel free to do more than just one note if you would like. Take the challenge and choose how it would work best for you. 

Weekly Kindness Quote:

“Be silly, Be Honest, Be Kind.” -Ralph Waldo Emmerson

I hope this encourages you and helps you through this week in our endeavor to “make kindess trending again”

The Kindness Project:


Week One

Week Two 

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog. I hope you have a blessed day -Madison💛

The Kindness Project: Introduction

imageHey Guys! I’m going to be starting a new series on my blog that will becoming out once a week. It’s called “The Kindness Project“.

I’ve noticed a lot in our culture and especially my generation that kindness isn’t really a popular thing and most people have an attitude of sarcasm and annoyance instead. This includes me! I’ve been inspired and convicted by seeing several of my friends and how kind and genuine they are. It had made me realize how much our world needs people to go out of their way to show kindness.

So what’s “The Kindness Project” anyway? Every Sunday I will be posting a blog post with a kindness challenge for that week. Some will be super simple and some might make you go out of your normal routine a little more. In addition to the weekly challenge, I will also have a weekly quote about kindness to inspire and encourage y’all. I hope that you will remember it throughout the week as we try and live out kindness.

Let’s make kindness trending again, you never know whose world you might change.

I hope you join me each week in doing these challenges and striving to be kind. I truly think it will make an impact on the people around us. -Madison💕


Loving Others

“Jesus cares more about how you treat people than how many Bible verses you’ve memorized”

Now hold up, I’m not saying that memorizing scripture is bad, in fact, it’s really important and a great thing to do. However, what I am saying is that God would rather us love and treat people they way He would, than have us be able to recite scripture. Because what’s the point of knowing scripture if we aren’t going to apply it to our lives?! Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to each other, just as Christ Jesus forgave you.” 

A lot of people are against Christianity and God because they have been treated badly and been looked down upon by people who claim to follow Christ. THAT IS NOT WHAT JESUS CALLED US TO DO! God called us to love and be compassionate to everyone. That includes people who have different beliefs or ideals than we do. I get that it might not be the easiest thing to do, but it is not our job to cast judgement. It’s our job to love genuinely and exemplify Christ. Christ loved unconditionally, so therefore we should too. I saw a great quote that applies to this. It says: 

“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy” 

In God’s eyes, everyone is worthy of being loved. God loves you, me, your parents, the person you can’t stand, the people with different political views than you…the list goes on forever because God loves everyone. 

“If your theology doesn’t lead you to love people more, you should question your theology.” 

I hope you are able to understand what I am trying to share. Yes, memorize scripture. Yes, read your Bible. But love others. Because without love, we aren’t true followers of Jesus.  

This post kind of goes along with The Kindness Project. I took a break from blogging the month of December to focus on school and family but I’m back and will be starting back up The Kindness Project and regular blog posts. Thanks for reading! -Maddie💛